personal growth

Unlocking Personal Growth: The Impact of Daily Rituals

Modern life is a rather quick and wild ride, so more often than not, people can experience feelings of alienation and frustration with the lack of progression. All of us have a desire to make something of ourselves; find that rock that provides a compass for the good self. It is at this juncture that
From Employee to Entrepreneur

How To Transition from Employee to Entrepreneur in 2024

Having the power to make decisions, working for yourself, and creating something new from nothing attracts millions of people. However, the responsibility for this shift in career from an employee to an owner may seem overwhelming for many workers. But there’s also a change in thinking needed as well as an entirely different set of
office politics

Strategies for Navigating Office Politics to Thrive, Not Just Survive.

Inside the complex matrix of the office, each individual seeks their own way to interact, to agree, to follow the rules, or to break them. Office politics, which can be like a two-sided knife, is the undercurrent, which accordingly understates this process. It is the impartial leader who emboldens the enterprising kind to lead but may equally
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The Superwoman Shift: Balancing Work and Motherhood Without Losing Yourself

The birth of a child marks a significant transformation in the life of a woman. While the joy of welcoming a new life is certain, with this journey of motherhood comes a greater responsibility that particularly affects the career of the new mother. The Physical and Emotional Shift: According to the Centers for Disease Control
Love Language Header

Swipe Right for Self-Love: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Online Romance

Imagine a world saturated in the vivacious colours of Picasso’s life-infusing brew, in which the stream of love flows as gently as a river, bringing warmth and joy to every beating heart. Valentine’s Day is a divinity enveloping us in an intoxicating elixir, the bond eternally represented by the exchange of the staggering 250 million
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How to deal with change

Change is constant in our lives; a whirlwind of new beginnings and surprise endings. But career moves, change of homes, changes made to relationships and even personal breakthroughs make us feel as though the ground beneath our feet is moving, leaving no stone unturned. Some of us dance along with confidence and poise that makes us look

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